Tag Archives: Hakuho loss

Natsu Basho 2012 Day 7

To our literate readers,

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Na Goya day 14

I’ll tell ya, I’m really mixed up here.  I really don’t have a lot of experience with commentating on sports.  I mean,  Mrs. Columbo and I, we love to watch a game of baseball, but this is a bit out of my league if you take my meaning, ma’am.  But as Mr. Creswell was found dead this morning, I’m obliged to take over for today.  You see the poor guy got a little excited last night and had a few too many and, well, there must have been some kind of struggle.  You see we found him this morning by the docks.  His wallet was missing, and it appears that it was a simple robbery.  You know how things can get in this part of town.  Anyway ma’am, I’ve been reading one of the books I found in Mr. Creswell’s room, his landlord told me it would be OK to borrow it for a bit, just so I can get an idea of what he was doing at the time of the murder.  I really don’t have a lot of time because I’ve got my dog in the car, so I’ll do my best here to explain what went on, in the quickest way possible.  I’m gonna go through a few things here, so just try and stay with me and help me sort out a few things I’m not too clear on. Continue reading

Nagoya Basho: Day 11

Yesterday was a pretty average day for me. I went to work in the morning, sat in front of my computer for much longer than I would have liked, and sweated profusely in room the cried for air-conditioning. Outside the thunder clouds were forming, and once the thunder rolled the lightening quickly followed and the heavens opened. I realized I had left my car windows open, and sprinting to my car and back. The encouragement calls of “Fighto! Fighto!” did little to keep me dry. I returned to my desk about 2 minutes later soaked to the skin, reminding myself that I really should bring that spare umbrella I have to work tomorrow.

After driving 30km to my local supermarket to buy food for dinner I was returning home, fatigued and hungry when an email came through to my phone that said “Did you hear the news?? HE retired Finally!!” Continue reading