Category Archives: Nagoya Basho July 2011

Virgil Valentine’s Nagoya Basho Top 10

The banzuke has constraints to it in terms of accurately ranking best-to-worst performing rikishi.  Makekoshi is automatic demotion; kachikoshi is automatic promotion.  Ozeki don’t easily fall out of their rank, and sub-ozeki don’t easily join the rank.  Being a fan of college football as well as sumo, I’ve decided to start ranking rikishi based upon their performances and strength-of-schedule after each basho.  Below is the Virgil Valentine Nagoya Basho Top 10 Plus. Continue reading

Nagoya: Post-Basho Wrap-up

This basho rejuvenated my interest in Sumo in so many different ways. In recent tournaments, my interest has often flagged because nothing changed. Hakuho wins, Harumafuji shows great talent, but not enough size for consistency, Kaio is old, Kotooshu looks like someone just shot his puppy, one “Japanese hopeful” or another is all the rage with the media, there is some scandal or other going on. Its hard to keep one’s interest up in circumstances like that, and I was certainly having trouble keeping mine up. Also, I was finding Sumo boring.

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Nagoya Senshuraku (Day 15)

A special thanks to Columbo for stepping in and reporting on such short notice. Good job sir.

Fujiazuma(9-5) vs. Masunoyama(11-3)
Masunoyama came up from juryo today to take on Fujiazuma, but he was also fighting for the juryo yusho. Unfortunately for him he couldn’t topple the M15. And that forced a playoff, which he also lost. Not the best of days for him!
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Na Goya day 14

I’ll tell ya, I’m really mixed up here.  I really don’t have a lot of experience with commentating on sports.  I mean,  Mrs. Columbo and I, we love to watch a game of baseball, but this is a bit out of my league if you take my meaning, ma’am.  But as Mr. Creswell was found dead this morning, I’m obliged to take over for today.  You see the poor guy got a little excited last night and had a few too many and, well, there must have been some kind of struggle.  You see we found him this morning by the docks.  His wallet was missing, and it appears that it was a simple robbery.  You know how things can get in this part of town.  Anyway ma’am, I’ve been reading one of the books I found in Mr. Creswell’s room, his landlord told me it would be OK to borrow it for a bit, just so I can get an idea of what he was doing at the time of the murder.  I really don’t have a lot of time because I’ve got my dog in the car, so I’ll do my best here to explain what went on, in the quickest way possible.  I’m gonna go through a few things here, so just try and stay with me and help me sort out a few things I’m not too clear on. Continue reading

Nagoya Day 13

Well, its that time again boys.  de Gama is up for another run … christening the new computer after the shameful display that happened last week.  Waking up this morning was a bit rough… but to even add onto that is knowing that about ten people are going to be wrecking your small village in only a few hours.  All I can say to myself is perk up buddy, perk  up.  Dammit, de Gama get the coffee going – grab a smoke … we got sumo to report. Continue reading

Nagoya Basho: Day 11

Yesterday was a pretty average day for me. I went to work in the morning, sat in front of my computer for much longer than I would have liked, and sweated profusely in room the cried for air-conditioning. Outside the thunder clouds were forming, and once the thunder rolled the lightening quickly followed and the heavens opened. I realized I had left my car windows open, and sprinting to my car and back. The encouragement calls of “Fighto! Fighto!” did little to keep me dry. I returned to my desk about 2 minutes later soaked to the skin, reminding myself that I really should bring that spare umbrella I have to work tomorrow.

After driving 30km to my local supermarket to buy food for dinner I was returning home, fatigued and hungry when an email came through to my phone that said “Did you hear the news?? HE retired Finally!!” Continue reading

Nagoya Basho: Day 10

Chalmers here with all your high lights from Day 10 of the Nagoya Basho!

From the last three in Juryo…

EJ7 Sadonofuji (3-6) vs. WJ2 Bushuyama (5-4) – ‘Ol George W. looking like he forgot any and all technique, finds himself in a playground shoving match.  Bush loses, oshidashi.  Sado 4-6. Continue reading

Nagoya Basho: Day 9

I absolutely love three days weekends in the middle of a basho!  But for this three day weekend in July where it’s too damn hot to do anything, my daily routine consisted of watching the NSK internet feed from 8:30 to 15:00, then NHK 15:00 to 18:00.  It was wise to stock up on ice cubes as the whisky is well to warm to drink straight at this time of year. Continue reading

Nagoya Basho: Day 8

A good day to you fellows! I was going to write this report a little earlier in the day,  however, allow me to explain why I didn’t if you will. Just as I go to settle meself down. I get a call from me brother, de Gama of Spain! “Hey man, what are you doing today?” “Apart from this report I gotta write, nothing much” – I reply. “Wait there”, he says. “Put ya Jinbei on and then, you can grill me some steak”. A few hours later, I’m feeling this is a bit of a raw deal – not only do i have to cook, but my report is delayed. Continue reading

Nagoya Basho: Day 7

Bertrum bringing you day 7 of the Basho!

As I roll off my futon, still feeing a bit hazy from the night before. I realise something. First thing in the morning is not the best time to write a report. That said, I gunna put on a thick cup o tea, and see off there is enough honey left in the jar for me toast. It may not be the best reporting thusfar, but Continue reading

Nagoya Basho: Day 6

Day 6 juryo action was not overly exciting.  Good news, Aoiyama fought through his broken nose to lose to Bushuyama in disappointing fashion.  Takanoyama opened up against Akiseyama with a henka and turned  into a okuritaoshi.  Fair enough, he doesn’t use them that often, and it took away Mr. Diagonal’s advantage.  The only bout of note that I could see was the case of Myogiryu v Sotairyu.  Spirited effort by both parties, but once it went to the belt it was Myogiryu’s bout to lose, which he did not. Continue reading

Nagoya 2011 Day 5

De Gama’s computer is out of action so I’ll be covering day 5.  Since I am on sabbatical in the states I am relying on the NSK feed.  Here in “The City That Bleeds” juryo starts at around 2am, so I have to record and go back to sleep.  Unfortunately my computer restarted and cut my feed off right after juryo, so a big thank you to Andreas over at for supplying me with the feed.  Thanks, buddy.  No shame in admitting that Daddy got me… and got me the feed. Continue reading

Nagoya Basho: Day 3

Chalmers here with your Day 3 action.  Lots of history in the making, so keep your computers glued to S&S daily reports, your one-stop shop for all that is Gentlemen’s Sumo.

Takamisakari vs. Fujiazuma– Robocop looking pumped up to move ahead in the count, gets pumped out in a belly-bump reminiscent of the Geek (Kotoshogiku), himself.  Fujiazuma making his Makuuchi debut here in Nagoya, and bumps past his first three, rather seasoned opponents. Continue reading

Nagoya Basho: Day 2

Welcome to day 2 of the Nagoya Basho. Sumo’s first official tournament since January. Damn. I wish Nagoya brought back swell memories but sadly last time we were here, I had to watch the whole tournament on my computer due to a baseball betting scandal (among other antisocial groups associated with this whole mess ) that eventually lead to the yaocho (matching-fixing scandal) scandal that has randomly punished some rikishi and let others off the hook. As the yaocho scandal hit I wrote speculative piece on why this happened and what could potentially happen next. Continue reading

Nagoya Basho: Shonichi

Is it safe to say sumo hit rock bottom?  Can we say this, or am I being a bit rash?  Because every time we say this they seem to somehow outdo themselves.  But really, I’m struggling to think what is more damning to a sport than the revelation of a massive bout-fixing scandal.  How about the revelation that a dozen sekitori rikishi are actually women?  Continue reading

Nagoya 2011 Wind-up

Gentlemen, spring is usually a time of change and new beginnings, but as far as Sumo and this website are concerned summer is a time for changes and new beginnings. Your humble writer, has been temporarily banished to the home-country.  So for the next 3 basho I’ll be reporting from quite some distance.  I apologize for the pause in reports and news, but I have been in transit, settling in, and getting my internet sorted.  From here on out I’ll still be keeping the site up to date with reports and news breaks, and with the plethora of time I’ll have on my hands, expect ample whiskey reviews from this guy.  Anyway, down to business. Continue reading

Nagoya Banzuke Released

Here is the 2011 Nagoya banzuke for makuuchi division.

And the Juryo