Tag Archives: makuuchi

Natsu Basho 2012 Day 10

Another day of sumo and another glass of whisky as the natsu basho rolls along. The whisky for the day is Glenlivet 18 and the sumo for the day isn’t all that bad with a few good matches in the upper ranks. Although I wasn’t scheduled to force my half-coherent opinions upon you all until later in the basho, De Gama’s sheer explosive elation at the Kimi-Yoshi-Take Kaze hattrick yesterday left him withered and incapable of reporting. So buckle up you sunsabitches, you’re stuck with me.
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Nagoya: Post-Basho Wrap-up

This basho rejuvenated my interest in Sumo in so many different ways. In recent tournaments, my interest has often flagged because nothing changed. Hakuho wins, Harumafuji shows great talent, but not enough size for consistency, Kaio is old, Kotooshu looks like someone just shot his puppy, one “Japanese hopeful” or another is all the rage with the media, there is some scandal or other going on. Its hard to keep one’s interest up in circumstances like that, and I was certainly having trouble keeping mine up. Also, I was finding Sumo boring.

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Hatsu Basho Wrap-up

DeGama here, after another decent basho, there is always some talk about what happened during it.  Usually not one be to prone to write his actual opinions/critiques about rikishi other than the odd one or two, this basho I felt like taking the challenge and writing the 2011 Hatsu Basho wrap up.  And by this I mean that someone previously took the day I wanted and was left with this… You can bet your lucky charms you know who you are.  Much love, buddy! Continue reading

Hatsu Wind-up 2011

Well, we’re back to the Hatsu basho.  This is the unofficial one year anniversary of Sumo & Stogies.  As you can see in our Honbasho reports menu bar, our online reports started exactly 1 year ago today.  What will 2011 bring to sumo.  Will we see a “Japanese hope” rise to the challenge and take the faltering Kaio’s place as Ozeki?  Or will the competition be squashed by younger foreign rikishi?  Will Hakuho go on unchalleneged and continue to break records?  Taking both the #1 and #3 spot on the most consecutive wins list.  Will it be Zensho zenyusho (a feat never before accomplished in the 6 tournament ear)?  Or have the sanyaku and lower ranked rikishi located the chinks in the Khan’s seemingly indestructable armor?

How about rest of em?  Who is going to come out of the gates swinging, and who is going to fall flat on their faces?  We want your feed back; here is how you can participate:

  • Comment on this post with your opinions.
  • Email us with sumo-related topic you would like to see debated in our Point/Counter-point discussions.
  • Email us your comments or suggestions for additions you think we can make to the site to improve.

email us at sumoandstogies@gmail.com

the Sumo & Stogies Team